Spanish Pantheon in Rome. A Permanent Abode

The Spanish Pantheon in the Campo di Verano was entrusted to three resident artists at the Academy of Spain in Rome in 1957: architects José María García de Paredes (1924-1990) and Javier Carvajal (1926-2013) and sculptor Joaquín García Donaire (1926-2003). They proposed an open space devoid of religious symbols apart from the chapels around it. This work explores a new direction that moves away from the usual funerary monument: a symbolic space composed of two planes in equilibrium laid out on a smooth platform where there is no distinction between sculpture and architecture. This place is for those who take time to pause here, a permanent abode, to spend time with the absent and the present.

Modern Movement, Modern architecture, José Maria García de Paredes, Javier Carvajal, Joaquín Garcia Donaire, Italian modern architecture, Funerary monument.

Issue 62
Year 2020
Pages 94-99

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