The essay is part of an ongoing research work about the heritage of modernism, especially the relationship between material, information and message — projected on the genesis of values and a cultural practice of modern reuse, not least on our present legacy and an upcoming circular society. It examines narratives and developments of modernism, concerning the built environment and industry production, to question modern general principles, systems of values and socio-cultural interrelations. The examination is experimentally grounded on projects both in experimental architecture and discourse, which operate across research, practice and conceptual art — referring to the Bestandsverpflanzung (2008) and the current work with Bauhaus reuse from 2019.
Modern Movement,
Modern architecture,
Architectural education,
Rehabilitation of modern architecture,
Modern building materials.
Issue 61
Year 2019
Pages 50-59
DOI: https://dx.doi.org/10.52200/61.A.6A4Z09OO